Acne Spot Treatment Blog

Is Your Cell Phone Causing Your Acne

Did you know your acne can be caused from your phone? Since you use your cell phone frequently, oil from your face and hair can sit on your phone and rub on your face. Clean your phone regularly with an alcohol pad to keep it clean and free of oil. Be sure not to allow the telephone to touch your face as you chat.

Try getting rid of all the cosmetics you use for a few weeks and see what happens to your skin. A lot of acne problems come from the cosmetic products used by the sufferer. Many products available in stores today contain harsh chemicals that damage as well as irritate the skin, making way for acne bacteria.

It is vital that you use acne medications on your whole face, and not just on the spots you could see. Other acne may be forming under your skin that you cannot see. Applying the medication over your entire face can prevent blemishes that cannot yet be seen. Apply the medicine to your forehead, too.

Pillows that are specially treated for allergies, or those without feathers, may help prevent breakouts. Feathers may irritate your face, causing more acne. Be sure your hands remain off your face while you are sleeping, as well, because touching your face constantly is a great way to promote the formation of pimples.

A good acne prevention tip is to keep sweat off your body as much as possible. Sweat will clog pores, and this may cause breakouts. Take a warm shower after working up a good sweat.

Wrap an ice cube in a small towel and place it on a spot for about 20 minutes. Ice is great for reducing redness and swelling. As an additional benefit, the ice will help relieve some of the irritation and pain. Ice is a good thing to use for an anti-inflammatory, and it will cut down on the need to put chemicals on your face that could hurt you.

To help prevent future outbreaks wash your sheets and pillowcases frequently. Bacteria can thrive on these linens and aggravate your acne. Furthermore, regularly washing your clothing will help reduce body acne.

It is common for those affected by blemishes to attempt to squeeze them until they burst. If you cannot withstand not popping your whiteheads, make sure you first thoroughly wash and clean your hands and fingernails to avoid re-infecting your pores. Using responsible actions when you have the need to pop your acne will save you from further blemishes.

Almost everyone, except the truly blessed, has suffered the torture and embarrassment of acne during some phase of their life. Trying to get rid of your acne problems can often be a very difficult task. The techniques listed in this article are some examples of ways you can solve your skin issues. Stick with these tips, and you will have glowing, clear skin.

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