Acne Spot Treatment Blog

Acne, What You Can Do About It

Being too hot or too cold can contribute to acne breakouts. In warm weather, you’ll want to pay attention to excessive sweating. When you perspire heavily, your pores become clogged and can become irritated. This sometimes results in acne. Your skin may get dry when the weather is cold. Both of these situations are detrimental to your skin’s health.

If you are trying to figure out the cause of your acne, you may want to look toward your acne medication. There are several types of hormone based medications that can worsen acne. If you cannot seem to get rid of your acne, check with your doctor to see if it is a side effect of one of your medications.

Try to reduce or eliminate the stress in your life in as many ways as possible. Stress is a major factor in the development of acne. Try to establish a daily routine which includes some kind of meditation and exercise. Combining workouts with relaxation and introspection can alleviate stress and clear your mind.

Stress is known to worsen acne breakouts. When you experience stress, your body increases production of the stress hormone cortisol. The hormones that are produced can cause skin irritation which then turns into acne. While you cannot avoid everything stressful, you could learn to productively cope with stress.

Getting rid of potential skin irritants can reduce the number of breakouts you experience. Try not to touch your face, especially with dirty hands. Pillowcases collect oil and debris in the fabric, so wash them often to help keep irritation to a minimum.

Garlic is a very powerful food. Garlic can help fight acne. Garlic, as an antioxidant, assists your body in ridding itself of major toxins that can harm your skin. It’s easy to incorporate garlic in your diet. Garlic can be spread on many different things including bagels, or it can be juiced into whatever you are eating.

Acne medication should be applied all over your face instead of just the spots that are apparent. You could prevent breakouts from happening before you identify them. Remember that your forehead should not be overlooked when applying preventive techniques for acne.

Don’t touch the areas that are affected when you’re fighting acne. Hands carry oil and dirt that will just make the problem worse. Be aware of when you’re touching your face, and don’t do so unnecessarily. Don’t rub your nose or rest your face on your hand, as these can worsen your acne problem.

Avoid using skin care products that are not all-natural if you are having acne problems. Harsh chemicals in some products can cause skin irritations. For starters, such ingredients can strip your skin of much needed oil. Then, your skin just makes more oil to replace what is lost, aggravating the acne you are trying to cure.

You know from experience that acne can make you feel badly and steal your self-esteem. Use the information provided, and you’ll be able to find success at ridding yourself from acne.

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